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Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky

Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky 

By: James E. ST. clair and Linda C. Gugin

In the almost fifty years since his death, the name Fred M. Vinson has all but disappeared from public awareness and consciousness. This work is intended to bring the life and times of a dedicated public servant back to the surface for examination and study by present and future generations of Americans. He was, above all, a true believer in government and public service. Vinson never doubted for a moment that the highest calling for an American was serving in government federal, state, county, or municipal. For more than thirty years, he demonstrated that conviction, starting out as a part-time city attorney for his tiny hometown of Louisa, Kentucky, and rising to the top levels of all three branches of national government, a feat that few have equaled. He obviously enjoyed the fame and acclaim he received from public service, but more pleasing to him than any personal glory was the good that government could do for the “folks back home.” [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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