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Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Saints and Their Communities

Saints and Their Communities

By: Simon Yarrow

Miracles were a ubiquitous feature of medieval Christian culture. We might even say, following a strict Augustinian line, that there could be no Christian society without the miraculous. God’s creation of the world and Christ’s resurrection were the supreme miracles that provided the occasion for man’s existence and his hope for salvation after he ceased to exist. In addition to those miracles of the scriptures which ‘testify to that one supreme miracle of salvation’, St Augustine took pains to emphasize that ‘even now miracles are being performed either by his sacrament or by the prayers or the memorials of his saints’. Augustine saw the saints as enjoying a particular role in boosting the Christian faithful with a reminder of God’s power, manifest in the form of miracles. To illustrate this point, he included in his City of God a collection of miracles he had had related to him or that he himself had witnessed, associated with the recently discovered relics of St Stephen the protomartyr. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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