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Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Rabbis and Their Community

Rabbis and Their Community

By: Ira Robinson

This book will examine the Yiddish-speaking immigrant Orthodox rabbinate in Montreal, Canada, at the beginning of the twentieth century. In its pages, we will analyze and attempt to understand the deeds and motivations of rabbis who are, for the most part, forgotten men in the Jewish community they helped to shape. It is inevitable that personalities, factors, and trends from both the late nineteenth century and the middle of the twentieth century will be brought into our discussion for purposes of illustration. Nonetheless it is in the first three decades of the twentieth century in particular that the personalities who made up the Eastern European immigrant rabbinate in Montreal, the issues they faced, and the institutions they created, most particularly the Jewish Community Council of Montreal [Va’ad ha-’Ir], were factors of fundamental importance for the development of the Jewish community of Montreal as a whole. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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