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Minggu, 03 April 2011

Malcolm X-The Autobiography

Malcolm X-The Autobiography

By: Alex Haley

When My Mother was pregnant with me, she told me later, a party of Hooded Ku Klux Klan riders galloped up to our home in Omaha, Nebraska, one night. Surrounding the house, brandishing their shotguns and rifles, they shouted for My Father to  come out. My Mother went to the front door and opened it. Standing where they could see her pregnant condition, she told them that she was alone with three small children, and that my father was away, preaching, in Milwaukee. The Klansmen shouted threaths and warning at her that we had better get out of town because “the good Christian white people” were not going to stand for my father’s “spreading trouble” among the “good” Negroes of Omaha with the “Back to Africa” preachings of Marcus Garvey.  [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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