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Minggu, 03 April 2011

Emotional Intelligence-For Managing Result in a Diverse World

Emotional Intelligence-For Managing Result in a Diverse World 

By: Lee Gardenswartz, Jorge Cherbosque and Anita Rowe

Over the past decade, emotional intelligence has come to be seen more and more as a critical underpinning of success on and off the job. It has become evenmore important as work environments have become increasingly diverse and have brought together differences that can be challenging. However, despite its importance,most individuals haven’t been taught how to develop this aspect of themselves. It is not part of the three Rs in school, and most people are not given the methods and tools to deal with feelings that are critical to effectiveness in work, relationships, and life. The good news is that emotional intelligence is a competency that can be learned. Although some people may have a greater natural affinity for dealing with feelings, no matter how gifted or underendowed you may be in this area, you can develop the skills and improve your ability to understand and deal effectively with feelings, your own and those of others, especially when differences trigger emotional responses. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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