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Rabu, 23 November 2011

The Family Values Movement

The Family Values Movement 

By: Samuel Willard Crompton

Everything changed between 1940 and 2000. Nothing changed between 1940 and 2000. Each of these statements is at least half right. Change, or the lack of change, depends on perspective, which is largely influenced by one’s generation: the time, place, and situation into which one is born and reared. Let’s examine what American family life was like in the 1940s, a time preserved for us by an artist’s paintbrush. the homecoming Born in 1894, Norman Rockwell was 51 when he painted The Homecoming, which became the cover of The Saturday Evening Post in late May 1945. In the painting, clothes hang on a line, and neighborhood children frolic in a tree. Mother stands on the stoop, her arms open wide. Father looks up from his carpentry, a grin spreading across his handsome, though weather-beaten, face. Brother leaps from the porch, his long legs working like pistons. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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