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Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

U.S.Leadership, History and Bilateral Relations in Northeast Asia

U.S.Leadership, History and Bilateral Relations in Northeast Asia 

By: Gilbert Rozman

In 1950, history seemed all but forgotten as the specter of communism hung ominously overNortheast Asia. The Chinese Communist Party had just fought its way to power in a revolution aimed at sweeping aside history, especially Confucianism, which was seen as leavingChinabackward and ill prepared to rise up and modernize. The Korean War had turned Koreans away from memories of the past that united them to a fateful choice about their future as part either of the wave of communism or of the U.S.-led “free world” bloc. InJapan, preparations were under way for the San Francisco Peace Treaty, which focused on putting aside the legacy ofJapan’s colonialism and wars in order to rebuild as part of the U.S.-led bloc. Large numbers of Chinese, Japanese, and South Koreans were inclined to condemn their past for the sorrows and weakness it had brought; few defended it. [download]  

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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