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Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011

A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors

A Tale of Cooks and Conquerors 

By: Lizzie Collingham

In 1994 I drank my first lassi at Dipti’s Pure Drinks in the Colaba area of Bombay. Its thick, velvety sweetness was seductive. During my stay in the city I kept on returning for more. I also ate my first vegetarian thali in a workingman’s eatery, and wondered about the state of the kitchens when a rat sat on my foot. At the home of John and Susan Gnanasundaram in MadrasI discovered the delights of Indian home cooking: spongy idlis with freshly made, bright green, sharp, coriander chutney for breakfast and rich chicken curries for dinner. None of it tasted like the Indian food I was used to in British Indian restaurants. A few months later I became very ill with cholera. While I was recovering I could only manage to eat tea and toast. I also discovered that tourist hotels still served the food of the Raj and recuperated on a diet of yellow omelettes. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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