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Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011

Performance Driven IT Management

Performance Driven IT Management 

By: Ira S. Sachs 

There is no such thing as an IT project in isolation from its business change program. (Getting IT Right for Government, Intellect, June 2000) • Despite organizations implementing numerous best practices, information technology (IT) implementations remain risky and can often have questionable business value propositions. • An improved IT management approach is needed based on understanding and maintaining the business value proposition from concept through to implementation. LARGE IT PROGRAMS are inevitably fraught with risks that often result in cost and schedule overruns, lack of functionality, less-than-envisioned business impact, and at times outright program failure. These results have plagued large IT acquisitions and modernization programs for decades despite the use of more structured acquisition processes…[download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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