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Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Happiness is Free

Happiness is Free 

By: Hale Dwoskin and Lester Levenson

What Is Happiness? Quite simply put, happiness is you being your Self. Not the limited self that you pretend to be most of the time, but the unlimited Self that you are and have always been. This is the Self that is always effortlessly present before, during, and after everything else that appears in your experience. You are the radiant yet changeless background that allows for everything else to exist. If that is true, you may be wondering, why is it so hard to discover and why have there been so many books written on the topic including this one? The answer to that is not as simple. We have spent eons pretending to be anything but unlimited. In fact, we have become so good at this pretending to be limited that we have forgotten that it is just a game, a pretense. We now spend most of our time bolstering the illusion that we have created for ourselves, leaving very little time for the inner reflection that can set us free from this totally self-imposed and artificial sense of limitation. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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