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Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Green Rider

Green Rider 

By: Kristen Britain

The granite was cold and rough against the gray cloaked man’s palms. It was good, solid granite, from the bones of the earth itself. He traced barely perceptible seams between the huge blocks of the wall. It was the seams, he believed, that held the key. The key to the wall’s destruction. The wall towered above him to some unknown height. It was many feet thick, and it followed Sacoridia’s southern border for hundreds of miles, from the EastSeato UllemBayin the west. It protected Sacoridia and the rest of the lands from Kanmorhan Vane, which in the common meansBlackveilForest. The wall had endured for a thousand years. It had been built after the Long War at the turn of the First Age. For a thousand years, the denizens of the dark forest had grown restless, had festered, trapped behind the wall. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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