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Selasa, 20 September 2011

Why It’s Great To Be A Girl

Why It’s Great To Be A Girl

By: Jacqueline Shannon

In the summer of 2005, my then sixteen-year-old daughter Madeline and I squealed with delight (and startled a few of our fellow theatergoers) when a girl in the sleeper-hit documentary Mad Hot Ballroom plugged my 1994 book Why It’s Great to Be a Girl. In the documentary, several groups of eleven-year-olds in mostly inner-city schools face the highs, the heartbreaks, and sometimes the humiliation of competitive ballroom dancing. In a few scenes, some of the girls are complaining about the attitudes, behaviors, and the “givens” of their male partners. “Why,” bristled one, “do THEY always get to lead?” At one point, silence. Then Emma, who the fi lm’s Web site describes as a “typical New York kid [who] always has something meaningful to say” and who “stands out as the girl who is wise beyond her years,” suddenly blurts out, “Look, I read this book called Why It’s Great to Be a Girl, and I learned that . . .” [download]  

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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