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Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Time Management

Time Management

By: Marc Mancini

Have you noticed anything new about news broadcasts? Not long ago, all-news cable stations began to position a scrolling bar at the bottom of our TV screens. The goal: to provide concise “headlines” that go beyond what the on-screen news anchors and correspondents are covering. Programmers now even sometimes add a second headline bar to add a layer of text to the scrolling one. Why do they do this? Because the news now changes so rapidly and the volume of fresh information has become so great that it simply can’t be presented any longer within the time constraints of a typical news broadcast. Moreover, many viewers don’t have the time to wait for the news. They want it all at once, now. Programmers also realize that people have become increasingly able to absorb several streams of information at once. So why not present it that way? [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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