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Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2011

Art and Intention: A Philosophical Study

Art and Intention: A Philosophical Study 

By: Paisley Livingston

Sextus Empiricus relates a story about Apelles of Kolophon, the legendary fourth century bc artist whose motto is said to have been ‘Not a day without a line’. Apelles was at work on a picture of a horse, having set himself the task of producing a vivid depiction of the lather on the animal’s mouth. Frustrated by his failure to achieve the desired eVect, he angrily cast his paint-soaked sponge at the picture, only to discover that the paint he had splashed onto the surface yielded a Wne depiction of the horse’s lather. Sextus suggests that the sceptic can enjoy a similar success: when we suspend judgement, tranquillity follows. I draw a rather diVerent lesson from this legendary episode of artistic creation. In thinking about art, we want to keep in mind the artist’s specipic intentions, and the actions and events to which they give rise. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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