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Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Issues and Ethics in The Helping Professions

Issues and Ethics in The Helping Professions 

By: Gerald Correy, Marriane Schneider Corey and Patrick Callanan

Working both independently and together over the years, the three of us have confronted a variety of professional and ethical issues that have no clear-cut solutions. Conversations with students and colleagues describe similar struggles. Exchanging ideas helps us deal with these issues. We are convinced that students in the helping professions must anticipate and be prepared for these kinds of problems before their fi rst fi eldwork experience, and certainly before they begin practicing. We have discovered that many of the issues relevant to beginning professionals resurface and take on different meanings at various stages in a professional’s life. We try to avoid dispensing prescriptions or providing simple solutions to complex situations. Our main purpose is to establish a basis for you to develop a personal perspective on ethical practice within the broad limits of professional codes and divergent theoretical positions. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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