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Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

The Enlightened Joseph Priestley

The Enlightened Joseph Priestley 

By: Robert E. Schofield

In 1806 Joseph Priestley was stigmatized as a presumptuous provincial who had prodigiously overrated himself. Even the nominal part of this criticism was singularly ill conceived. Though Priestley had, it is true, lived more than 90 percent of his life in the provinces or, worse, in the United Stateshe was cosmopolitan in a way that Francis Jeffrey, author of that critique, could never comprehend. By the time of his death in 1804, Priestley was a member of every major scientiWc society in the world and friend or correspondent of major scientiWc, intellectual, and political personages in many different countries. Author of more than 150 books, pamphlets, and articles, he had engaged successfully in controversy with theological, philosophical, and political opponents and participated in the founding of British Unitarianism, pneumatic chemistry, and the philosophical schools of utilitarianism and associationism. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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