The Ancient Art of Emulation
By: Elaine K. Gazda
This book presents fresh perspectives on originality and tradition in the art of classical antiquity, with particular regard to what has long been called copying in Roman art.’ It takes up originality and tradition as constructs not only in relation to the art of the classical past but also in relation to the art of other periods of Western history-that is to say, within a framework much larger than the one within which the problems associated with copying, whether classical or postclassical, are normally considered. Within this broader arena, the book attempts to take account of discourse on copying and originality as well as on related issues such as imitation,a rtistica gency,i nfluence, appropriation,a nd authenticity.I t aspires to contribute to that discourse and, in the context of classical art history, to move it in some new directions. [download]
Format : Ebook.Pdf
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