Bersama Pasti "Welcome to My Blog"

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Port Mortuary

Port Mortuary 

By: Patricia Cornwell 

Inside the changing room for female staff, I toss soiled scrubs into a biohazard hamper and strip off the rest of my clothes and medical clogs. I wonder if Col. Scarpetta stenciled in black on my locker will be removed the minute I return toNew England in the morning. The thought hadn’t entered my mind before now, and it bothers me. Apart of me doesn’t want to leave this place. Life at Dover Air Force Base has its comforts, despite six months of hard training and the bleakness of handling death daily on behalf of theUSgovernment. My stay here has been surprisingly uncomplicated. I can even say it’s been pleasant. I’m going to miss getting up before dawn in my modest room, dressing in cargo pants, a polo shirt, and boots, and walking in the cold dark across. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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