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Jumat, 06 Mei 2011

My Ishmael

My Ishmael 

By: Daniel Quinn

I think it’s pretty lousy to wake up at age sixteen and realize you’ve already been screwed. Not that there’s anything terrifically unusual about getting screwed at this age. It seems like everyone inside fifty miles is bent on doing you in. But not many sixteen-year-olds get screwed in this particular way. Not many have the opportunity to get screwed this way. I’m grateful, I really am. But this story is not about me at age sixteen. This is about something that happened when I was twelve. That was a painful time in my life. My mother was deciding she might as well go ahead and be a drunk. In the previous three or four years she wanted me to think she was just a social drinker. But she figured I must know the truth by now, so why go on pretending ? She didn’t ask my opinion about it. If she had, I would’ve said, “Please go on pretending, Mom. Especially in front of me, okay?” But this isn’t a story about my mother. It’s just that you have to understand some of this if you want to understand the rest. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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