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Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

The Many Faces of Philosophy-Reflection From Plato to Arendt

The Many Faces of Philosophy-Reflection From Plato to Arendt 

Edited By: Amelie Oksenberg Rorty

Philosophy has been and been perceived as a dangerous activity. In raising fundamental questions, examining basic assumptions, revising received views, philosophers undertook immense risks. Even when philosophers took themselves to be engaged in the constructive work of rationalizing World Systems, their interpretations of religious doctrines were seen as subversive, their analyses of social and political practices were frequently thought disloyal if not actually seditious, their reconstructions of morality were often perceived as potentially corrupting. Athenians saw Socratic questioning as a threat to the stability and morality of public order; Roman emperors feared Seneca; theologians censored Abelard; Scottish universities were apprehensive of Hume’s skeptical influence. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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