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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

The Hessians

The Hessians 

By: Rodney Atwood

The hiring of auxiliary troops by great powers in the eighteenth century marks a transitional stage in the history of western warfare, from the feudal levy to the modern conscript army. Auxiliary contingents then served in the armies of all great powers (except Russia) in the wars of that century. International jurists of the time, attempting to draw limits to destructive warfare by applying Natural Law to human affairs, recognized the practice of one prince sending aid to another at war, in the form of troops, in exchange for moneys called subsidies. They distinguished between such troops, called auxiliaries (Hilfstruppen), and mercenaries, who were individuals who enlisted in foreign military service in return for a certain sum of money and certain conditions, such as a limit on the length of their service. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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