Bersama Pasti "Welcome to My Blog"

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

50 Timeless Scientists

50 Timeless Scientists

By: K. Krishna Murty

Man’s ability to think is the motive power behind all human progress. The desire to discover, ability to create, dissatisfaction at the present and the persistence despite failures are the wheels of development. Chance, serendipity, accident, inspiration or emotional experiences all are Nature’s ways but for sure it favors a prepared mind! We now enjoy those fruits from the gardens of Arya Bhatta to Amar Bose, from Charles Goodyear to Charles Townes and from Susruta to Subba Rao. The story of science is an exciting drama unfolding comedy and tragedy, success and failure. When the tireless inventive geniuses worked dangerously into the frontiers of unknown knowledge, nature cracked its codes in mysterious ways and the laboratories have crackled some time in wonder, some time in humor and some time in mysticism. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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