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Jumat, 01 April 2011

The Memoirs of A Balkan Diplomatist

The Memoirs of A Balkan Diplomatist 

By: Chedomille Mijatovich

In these Memoirs I wish to speak of myself as little as possible. I dare say indulgent readers would find no fault with me if I were, in this introductory chapter, to introduce myself to them. But instead of doing so I wish to introduce my mother. Not only because she is my mother, not only because, entering on an important and responsible work, I, as a grateful son, wish to offer public homage to her before I pay it to any other woman, but because she is really an interesting and typical Serb woman with all the strong and weak points of her race. Those who have the patience to read this pen-sketch of my mother will be able afterwards to understand my own activity and my character more easily. Indeed, excepting the love of books, which I inherited from my father. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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