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Senin, 11 April 2011

Mathematics and Humor

Mathematics and Humor 

By: John Allen Paulos

The Talmud says, “Begin a lesson with a humorous illustration.” This is especially apt here, since discussions of humor are often ponderous and grim, and since this one, though of a quite different sort, is not altogether an exception. A friend of mine-a mathematician, incidentally-recently completed a speed-reading course, and he noted this in a letter to his mother. His mother responded with a long, chatty letter in the middle of which she wrote, “Now that you’ve taken that speed-reading course, you’ve probably already finished reading this letter.” What this illustrates about my friend’s mother may be clearer than what it illustrates about mathematics and humor, but then I have a whole book to explain the latter. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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