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Rabu, 06 April 2011

King Hamurabi of Babylon-A Biography

King Hamurabi of Babylon-A Biography

By: Marc Van De Mieroop

Hammurabi became king of Babylon in 1792 bc. He must have been relatively young at the time as he was to remain on the throne for forty-three years, but whether he was in his teens, twenties, or thirties, we do not know. People had a lower life expectancy then than they do today, yet several men of the period are known to have lived into their seventies, and conceivably Hammurabi was among them. His mother’s name is unknown. His father was his predecessor on the throne, one Sin-muballit, who himself had ruled for twenty years. They both belonged to a dynasty of independent kings of the city of Babylon and its surroundings that had started to rule around 1900 and would continue to do so until around 1600. These kings are now referred to as the First Dynasty of Babylon, of which Hammurabi was the most illustrious member. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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