Bersama Pasti "Welcome to My Blog"

Minggu, 10 April 2011

Humor and The Healing Arts

Humor and The Healing Arts 

Publisher By: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

It is a popular notion that medical settings are as hostile to humor as to germs. The sterile atmosphere makes one get better, but feel worse. This is a paradox not to be suffered, said Norman Cousins (1976, 1979), Raymond Moody (1978), Bernie Siegel (1983), and others. With the visibility of their many best-sellers, these advocates of healthy laughter have spawned enthusiasm for humor in the healing arts. There is evidence that their ideas are catching on. Between 1988 and 1992, the nonprofit HUMOR Project in New York awarded grants to launch 125 humor programs in hospitals, nursing homes, and other agencies (Suchetka, 1992). This study represents an effort to identify the emerging roles of humor in health care. Although it is shown here that confidence in medical humor is growing, it is also true that much uncertainty still surrounds the issue. [download]

Format : Ebook.Chm

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