Bersama Pasti "Welcome to My Blog"

Senin, 11 April 2011

Compass Rose

Compass Rose

By: JohnCasey.

May sat on the first row of the bleachers, watching the boys warm up. Tom was the second-string catcher, might get in if their team got ahead by a lot. He was good behind the plate all that practice catching for Charlie in the backyard but he couldn’t hit as well as the first-string catcher. At least Charlie and Tom got to play on a team this year. Before Dick got his boat built he’d kept them busy during the summer doing chores. No games. And while Eddie Wormsley was fixing the house, they’d helped with that. Now there was some pleasure in their lives. Dick still expected them to work at something that brought in some money, but since he was at sea more than half the time, Charlie set his own schedule. He used the work skiff the same way Dick used to had his tongs, pots, hand lines. Tom at fourteen was an off-the-books boy at the boatyard, but they didn’t keep him half as busy as Dick used to. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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