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Selasa, 15 Maret 2011

William Shakespear-Romeo and Juliet

William Shakespear-Romeo and Juliet 

Edited By: G. Blakemore Evans

The date of composition for Romeo and Juliet is uncertain, and dates ranging from 1591 to 1596 have been proposed. A terminal date is set by the publication of the first quarto (QI) in 1597,’ but a terminus a quo is more difficult to establish, since much of the external and internal evidence is ambiguous. External evidence, though meagre, seems to point to a later rather than an earlier date. On the strength of Qi’s reference to performance by ‘the L. of Hunsdon his Servants’, Malone confidently dated the play (in Bos well, 1821) as first produced between 22 July 1596 and 17 March 1597, the only period when Shakespeare’s company could properly have been called Lord Hunsdon’s.2 But the reference may be only a publisher’s device to capitalise on the most recent performances and does not prove that the play was not acted earlier when Shakespeare’s company was known as the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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