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Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

George Soros–The Life, Times & Trading Secrets

George Soros–The Life, Times & Trading Secrets

By: Robert Slater

This is not an authorized biography. I mention that at the outset because it answers the rst question most people ask an author when they hear he or she is writing a book about someone. The idea of doing a prole of George Soros was mine. After writing a book in 1992 on General Electric chairman Jack Welch, also published by Irwin Professional Publishers, I looked around for another important business personality to prole. I hit upon Soros. When I contacted his ofce to let him know what I planned to do, I was put in touch with David Kronfeld of Kekst & Co., the rm Soros chose to handle his public relations. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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