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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Weight Training

By: Deidre Johnson Cane, Jonathan Cane and Joe Glickman

Here’s the beautiful byproduct of weight training: By adding muscle, you may increase your daily caloric expenditure even when you’re sitting at a desk, watching the tube, or sleeping. (Now there’s an outrageous advertising claim: “Get slim while you sleep.”) There is, of course, a catch. Lifting weights alone won’t make you slim. We all know people who come to the gym faithfully for years yet never seem to loose those unwanted pounds. We’ve even seen some who get fatterno easy feat. And as any football fan knows, the gridiron is littered with turbo-powerful no-neck muscleheads who are as rotund as prize-winning heifers. In other words, just because you’re strong or diligent about working out doesn’t mean you’ll be slim, nor does it mean you’re actually fit. Weight training alone does not expend a lot of calories (only 812 calories/minute during the actual muscular contractions). [download]

Format : Ebook.Chm

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