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Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Haunting The Dead Orpheus

Haunting The Dead Orpheus 

By: Stefan Petrucha – Seth Lindberg – Allen Rousch – Rick Chillot

The pizza was dead to begin with. There was no doubt about that. Its oven warmth had long dissipated, leaving the once supple slice a dry corpse of jaundiced, yellow speckled with blood red tomato flecks, surrounded by hal-eaten bony bits of crust. Once of source of excitement, conversation and sustenance, it now lay cold and crumpled in a thin, white coffin. Non corrugated, the box was unacceptable for recycling , and thus condemned to remain in its present form somewhere in the abundant landfill of the world….forever.[download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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