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Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Slavery in America

Slavery in America

By: Dorothy Schneider and Carl J. Schneuder 

Africans knew slavery long before Europeans sailed to their shores. They enslaved their enemies and their criminals. Sometimes they enslaved debtors. Like all other peoples in the long history of slavery, Africans enslaved outsiders members of other tribes or erring members of their own tribes. Slavery became an integral part of Africa’s economic organization. According to slave trader Theodore Canot, “The financial genius of Africa, instead of devising bank-notes or the precious metals as a circulating medium, has from time immemorial declared that a human creature the true representative and embodiment of labour, is the most valuable article on earth.”  The slave system was both entrenched and widespread. No one will ever know how many Africans owned how many slaves in the early days, but scholars speculate that in the late 19th century, a majority of Africans were either slaves or the descendants of slaves. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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