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Rabu, 23 November 2011

Television, Power, and The Public in Russia

Television, Power, and The Public in Russia

By: Ellen Mickiewicz

When almost an entire population depends on television for its news, and its political leaders accord almost miraculous powers to the medium, and gobble one commercial channel after another, wouldn’t those political leaders want anxiously to know what viewers make of the news? Isn’t viewer-processing as vital to their strategy as message-creation? In today’s Russiathese are vital questions, on which careers and huge resources can ride and, strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is ‘‘no.’’ The other side of the television screen the one where the viewers are arrayed is invisible. Agreement with the message is assumed. Hence, the question: what if the ‘‘reception’’ on the other side of the screen was actually confounding and contradicting the leaders’ assumptions every day, and bywhat method are viewers able to do thus? [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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