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Kamis, 22 September 2011

Flip Video for Dummies

Flip Video for Dummies 

By: Joe Hutsko and Drew Davidson

Your Flip is probably the easiest-to-use camcorder in the world. Just point, shoot, and copy to your computer. A few clicks later, friends, family, and even strangers around the world can view your creations on Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and other sharing Web sites. Burning your movie to a DVD so that others can watch it on TV or their computer is nearly as quick and easy as the online sharing options. So why, you might wonder, would anyone need a whole book for such an easy-to-use gadget? Let me count the ways. . . . Options, baby, options. Sure you can shoot and upload your video in a few clicks. By editing your video and adding titles, credits, special effects, and a music soundtrack, however, you can make your movie more interesting to others. You’ll see how to do that in this book. Want to capture individual snapshots from your videos and then string those pictures together to create photo slideshows? It’s in here. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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