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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

The Dragon Emperor

The Dragon Emperor 

By: Wang Ping

The Yellow Emperor. In the center of China stands MountTai. Five-colored cloudswrap around the mountain, and rivers of yellow, red, black, blue, and white f low down its sides. Magical animals fill the thick forests that cover the mountain’s slopes. Fantastic birds f ly over the trees, and fish swim in the streams.MountTaiis also home to gods and goddesses. They have the faces of humans and the bodies of snakes with tails coiling all the way up to their heads. They eat the black-and-white jade that is found on the mountain. One night on MountTai, long ago, a mother gave birth to a golden dragon. He had four faces one on the front and one on the back, one on the left and one on the right. The baby was the Yellow Emperor. He started talking in just a few days and grew up quickly. The Yellow Emperor became a great leader in the region. [download]

Format : Ebook.Pdf

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